An adventure to a place that many of us have dreamed of visiting since a child was finally coming true as I boarded the small twin prop plane, bound for the little Bolivian Amazon town of Rurrenabaque. Due to my procrastinating I had missed out on the cheaper tickets with the military airline TAM, settling for Amazonas, a return flight costing around $150. The 45 minute journey was about what you would expect from a light aircraft flying over the Andes mountain range in thick cloud cover, visibility a non existent. With some sort alarm constantly going off in the open cockpit in front of us, most people opted to try to sleep off their anxiousness rather than deal with the turbulence. The landing was certainly up there with Lukla as we caught a gust of wind that slid our plane across the runway.

All worries were forgotten as we ducked out of the plane into the warm inviting jungle, a welcome change after the high altitude couple of weeks prior. With birds cruising over head and a sense of adventure beckoning us, we bundled into the transfer van and were dropped in to the centre of town, conveniently located on the Beni river. Tour offices are in plentiful supply, I made my way over to Max Adventure which had great online reviews and was rated #1 on Trip Adviser. The company focuses on a back-to-basics jungle experience, geared towards more of a wilderness adventure, rather than being based in an eco lodge like most other tours. Whilst most hostels and agencies will urge you to book your Amazon experience before flying in, this is not at all necessary as I managed to lock in a tour for the following morning with no issues, my choice confirmed when the super helpful owner Tereza shouted us ice cold beers while we looked over tour pics.

In this part of the Amazon you have two main options; Pampas or Jungle. With the jungle tour there was only one company who had exclusive rights to the Madidi national park, until this year when it was opened up to other operators. On this tour you will have more of a 'genuine' Amazon experience and find yourself more active during the day, albeit with less larger animals , more vegetation and a crazy nighttime choir to keep you entertained. If you would prefer a more laid back outing that involves plenty of wildlife spotting then the Pampas (meaning lowlands) is the better option, although both are great choices.

Feeling right at home in the Australian owned Nomads restaurant, we treated ourselves to a delicious fish wrapped in banana leaf, then after a few cocktails two of the lads and I realised that we had in fact met at a bar back in La Paz during my first crazy night. Just after sunrise we boarded our low riding transport boat that's sides were almost at water level (in the rain, which luckily subsided) for our journey down in to the Amazon. Even though I had heard that the Pampas was the place to see all the animals, I had expected to see more on the two hour ride. Upon arrival, Sven lived up to his soon to be donned reputation as king fuck up, ruining our game of 'shoot the bottle with the arrow', his strategy of aiming towards the sky was always deemed to fail, the arrow hopelessly floated down the river.

George, Greg (the two Poms) and I had done some last minute shopping at the same store only minutes before departure, after being warned of the need for a long sleeve shirt to fend off the swarms of mosquitoes. These quickly became standard jungle attire for the whole trip, no they did not get washed. I had imagined our first nights camp to be a little more baron than what we stumbled across, they had already set up wooden beds with mattresses (what luxury in the Jungle) and a tarpaulin to keep off the rain, our construction skills were to be put on hold until the second night.

The prepared camp was a beneficial head start as were able to set out to the Jungle with our guide Ronaldo, hacking and slashing a path through the undergrowth. We were shown various jungle remedies such as flowers to settle a bad stomach, leaves that work as an antiseptic (serious face tingle when chewed) and a plant thats stem could be stripped in to a rope like material, perfect for making a drink bottle holder. Back at camp that evening we were treated to a ceremony to honour Pachamamma (mother earth spirit); involving music, singing and drinking rum that had been distilled under the jungle floor.

Ronaldo took us up the river the next morning to an area inhabited by a local parrot population nesting in the cliffs, there were also a few jungle turkeys flapping about, refusing to stay still long enough for a photo. Our hard work was rewarded by a refreshing tropical shower, my jungle survival skills impressed the others as I prepared a small shelter out of banana leaves, just big enough to keep me dry. We were then initiated with war paint, created by rubbing special green leaves together with a little a little water which turned out a red paste, although I'm not sure how tough a game of noughts and crosses on one of my cheeks made me look.

Instead of taking the boat back to camp, we all hopped in tyre tubes and floated leisurely in the sun. Your probably thinking that floating in an Amazon river may not be the safest idea, but our fearless guide assured as that it was unlikely to be bitten by Piranha. I'm pleased to announce that I still have 10 toes and all other important bits attached.
After a quick pack up we ventured off in to the Jungle for a real camping adventure. Our 3 hour hike landed us in a small clearing where we had to cut down logs and create the frame for a shelter that was then covered by a tarpaulin shelter where our mosquito nets could be hung inside. Sven decided he was going to sleep in a hammock that he had been carrying around for two months, its initiation lasted about 5 minutes. During dinner we were treated to a performance from these little cockroach looking insects, their eyes would light up bright orange or yellow like fire flies as they danced around the jungle canopy.

Deeper inside the jungle the insect choir made almost a deafening roar, although strangely it felt like one of the best nights sleeps I have had in months. Along our treks we came across jungle coconuts (only a small amount of flesh inside a nut, also contained Widgety Grubs!! tasted like coconut), rubber trees, a vine which when chopped in to a small length contained plentiful reserves of fresh jungle purified water and even a jungle cobra which Ronaldo used his best snake whisperer technique to catch for a quick photo shoot.

Back at camp we used the Boar teeth that we had collected (mine a nice memento for the hole in the bottom of my hiking boot) to make necklaces, there was no disputing we were true jungle adventurers now. Finally may nagging paid off and we fit in a quick sunset fishing session, George was keen to show off his skills by throwing the entire handline in to the water, forgetting to hold on to one end, I don't think he realised the joke when we told him to go in the murky water after it. The fish tally was nil, however a beautiful sunset over the Amazon was a perfect way to top off the Jungle leg of this tour.

To get to the Pampas we had to take a boat back to Rurrenbaque early (I'm talking pitch black early) through a misty sunrise. Tereza kindly provided us an esky full off ice which was packed with beer for the cruise down to our Pampas camp. This Amazon tour is a lot more laid back, after you are driven 3 hours by jeep and loaded in to a small boat, the rest of the afternoon is spent basking in the sun, spotting hundreds of animals on your leisurely cruise. At one point we pulled up to a bank where a family of spider monkeys decided they wanted to come on board and say hello, my camera was maintained by a firm grasp.

Our camp which was a series of wooden walkway connected huts on the bank of the river, including a common room with hammocks and lounge chairs overlooking the water. An Australian family who were also staying there had their 3 kids (all under 10) with them and were travelling their world together, I think one of the kids said they had already been to over 20 countries. Our concerns that we had brought too much booze were put to rest when it was all polished off in the first night, a few sore heads and one very grumpy Spanish girl (who ended up changing groups, much to the delight of our guide) made for some sluggish Anaconda hunting in the morning, only the one small beast bothered to say hello.

We were kept entertained for the 3 days with plenty of activities; night time Camen (type of Alligator) spotting where our torches lit up their glowing eyes, fishing for Piranhas (I was the champ, catching 6 of the little fellas), swimming with pink dolphins (the cut on my toe looked remarkably similar to the bait we used for Piranha fishing). One of the Aussie kids even had her 10th birthday and the chef managed to whip up an impressive cake.
Its hard to say which of the two tour options I enjoyed most. On one hand the jungle was a bit more roughing it and felt more like we were deep in the Amazon, whilst at the same time it was a little disappointing to not have all the animals from the Pampas. Doing the jungle first makes the reward of chilling out for a few days afterwards a perfect combination. The mosquitoes will not be missed.